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Do you know everything about the installation of check valves?
Release time:2021-07-22 17:58:21      Clicks:465

Check valve is also called one-way valve or check valve, its function is to prevent the medium in the pipeline from flowing back. The bottom valve of the pump to close the water also belongs to the non-return valve category. The valve that opens or closes on its own by the flow and force of the medium to prevent the medium from flowing back is called a check valve. Check valves belong to the category of automatic valves, which are mainly used in pipelines where the medium flows in one direction, and only allow the medium to flow in one direction to prevent accidents.

According to the structure of the check valve, it can be divided into three types: lift check valve, swing check valve and butterfly check valve. Lift check valves can be divided into two types: vertical check valves and horizontal check valves. The swing check valve is divided into three types: single-leaf check valve, double-leaf check valve and multi-leaf check valve. The butterfly check valve is a straight-through check valve. The above-mentioned check valves can be divided into three types in connection form: threaded check valve, flanged check valve and welded check valve.

The installation of check valve should pay attention to the following things:

1. Do not allow the check valve to bear weight in the pipeline. Large check valves should be independently supported so that they are not affected by the pressure generated by the piping system.

2. When installing, pay attention to the direction of medium flow should be consistent with the direction of the arrow voted by the valve body.

3. The lift-type vertical flap check valve should be installed on the vertical pipeline.

4. The lift-type horizontal flap check valve should be installed on the horizontal pipeline.

What is a vertical check valve?

Vertical check valves are widely used in systems that need to prevent medium backflow, such as pump outlets, hot water replenishment ends, and suction ends of centrifugal water pumps. Its function is to prevent the possible consequences of the back flow of the medium. For example, if a vertical check valve is not installed at the outlet of the pump, the high-speed reflux water will cause a huge impact on the pump impeller when the pump suddenly stops; the suction end of the centrifugal pump is not installed with a vertical check valve. If the type of check valve (bottom valve) is used, the pump needs to be primed every time the machine is turned on.

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